"Thank you so much for all your patience with me.  More than a teacher you have been a motivational guide who has pushed me to reach beyond my horizon."

-- Anil Kapoor (Slumdog Millionaire, 24)


The fourth issue of my newsletter deals with the diphthong sound in the word "go."  An update of my recent activities follows below.

The diphthong /oU(/ as in "go"

Diphthongs (pronounced "diff-thongs") are two vowels that are sounded as one syllable.  English uses ten diphthongs, and they may be heard in the following sentences, in which each word contains a different diphthong:  Pay my boy; go now. Here's their poor oar car.  In today's newsletter we'll look at the diphthong / oU(/, as in the word "go".

The third issue of my newsletter takes a slightly different form, offering links to sights that I've found very helpful for learning dialects, as well as for learning the neutral American accent.  There's also a link to a funny site called "The Dialectizer" which you may want to check out as well.

The /th/ in the neutral American accent:

The /th/ sounds are unfamiliar to most non-native English speakers because they are heard in so few other languages.  As far as I know, they are only in three languages:  English, Greek and Castilian Spain.  But they are heard in some of the most common words in English, like "the, this, that, there. those, their, though, think" and others, so it's important to know how the sound is formed.

Contact Me

My past acting and directing experience uniquely qualifies me as a dialect coach: not only can I guide you in the subtleties of a new accent, I can also help you explore sound possibilities within the character's given circumstances.

I look forward to working with you.

Click here to contact me.

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